When and how did human start to dress?
Wearing clothes, dressing or covering is the most basic impulse and need of human beings. So, when and how did the first garment come into use?
Human life has a very old history, according to some studies; This is the 350 thousand-year-old story of the species most similar to us. Of course, there are environments and conditions that cannot be compared with our modern life today. The first question that comes to mind when we revive those wild periods is this; When did the first humans start wearing clothes?
To understand this, researchers say we need to look back at 170,000 years. Of course, the priority of dressing must have emerged with the instinct of protection from weather conditions. Especially in the face of harsh and cold climates, human instinct had to come up with a solution.
The strongest data show that for early humans the "clothing phenomenon" began with the fur or skins of prey animals. In this way, they must have provided protection by covering a large part of their bodies. The need to cover the body more or less according to the climatic conditions created perhaps the first "fashion creation" as we know it.
When did clothes become social?
Dyed linen fibers dating back 30,000 years have been found in the Dzudzuana Cave in Georgia. This is us; It shows that the clothes are now used for decoration and symbolic purposes. In fact, making patterns on the body with dyes may have started long before clothing.
Experts point out that in this case, the clothes gain a social feature as well as the purpose of heating.